Magazine Feature
Falsely accused of spying for Israel, the saga of David Tenenbaum, an Orthodox Jew from Detroit, began more then a decade ago, but justice is just beginning to be done.

By Binyamin Rose

A survivor herself, Yaffa Eliach has accomplished a staggering amount in commemorating the Holocaust. Throughout, she has focused not only on the deaths of the residents of the va ...

By Barbara Bensoussan

Second Thoughts
At this point, his staff had proposed a trailblazing idea: Artificial Intelligence would have to control the president

By Rabbi Emanuel Feldman

“Maaaaa. We’re not moving to Boston. Just, you know, Yonah’s parents are moving on and people got kind of carried away”

By Ariella Schiller

In my years of advising couples how to effectively communicate criticism, I have developed four guidelines

By Dr Meir Wikler

Family First Inbox
“There was a lot of pain, not suffering, since suffering is a choice”

By Family First Readers

The Next Chapter
Many of us look at our childhood names with warm emotions

By Ahava Ehrenpreis

I cried and asked Hashem why He had to make these simple things such a hassle

By Mindel Kassorla