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Eytan Kobre
Text Messages
Eytan Kobre
Text Messages
Eytan Kobre
Text Messages
Eytan Kobre
Text Messages
Eytan Kobre
For the Record
Rav Yitzchak Isaac HaLevi Herzog: chief rabbi of Eretz Yisrael under the British Mandate, and first chief rabbi of the State of Israel
Dovi Safier and Yehuda Geberer
For the Record
The Rebbe Rayatz shared ideas for making order out of chaos on American shores  
Dovi Safier and Yehuda Geberer
I figured I’d try to pack all my favorite flavors of a classic cheesecake slice into a bite-size portion
Faigy Grossmann
While corn muffins have similar ingredients, they’re sweeter than corn bread
Faigy Grossmann
Make Her Day
We asked: Do you know someone whose life needs brightening? We gave you $100. And you made her day
Make Her Day
We gave them $100. They made someone’s day. 9 stories
Ariella Schiller
Full ‘n Free
Full of healthy fats and protein and sweetened with fibrous whole dates, this decadent, real-deal-feel dessert is richly satisfying without causing a blood sugar spike and crash
Rorie Weisberg
Full ‘n Free
With Shavuos coming up, now is the perfect time to experiment with this low-lactose, high-protein ingredient
Beth Warren
The Lonely Wait
Within all the sound, do we hear the voices of the young men and women themselves?
Faigie Zelcer
The Lonely Wait
Adopt a Shadchan (AAS) began with a small group of dedicated shadchanim, committed to helping singles find their match
Lisa Elefant
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Specific, Meaningful, Action-oriented, Realistic, and Time-bound

By Eytan Kobre

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Chazal teach that there are worthwhile spiritual insights to be gained from studying earthly kingship

By Eytan Kobre

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A wonderful program of Gemara study called Daf Hashovua 

By Eytan Kobre

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A quintessentially Jewish idea — that it can be a high honor to be a loser

By Eytan Kobre

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How can we earn a spot toward the beginning of the line past the Kisei Rachamim on the Day of Judgment?

By Eytan Kobre

Text Messages

Something as simple as the landline phone kept the members of a family connected to each other

By Eytan Kobre