Normal Like Me
“Faigy?” said her brother’s voice. “Did you see the newspaper? Your newspaper, the one you write for?”,Normal Like Me: Cha ...

By Ruti Kepler

5 out of 10

By Rabbi Dovid Bashevkin

News In Depth
Rav Aharon Leib Steinman, 103, has again defied the medical community with a top medical team, but more than that, thro ...

By Eliezer Shulman

Magazine Feature
To meet Maury Litwack, national director of the OU’s Teach Advocacy Network, is to encounter a different kind of lobbyist ...

By Eytan Kobre

Mesorah Quest
While planning our itinerary to the jungles of Papua New Guinea to meet tribesmen who claimed a Jewish link, we learned that right across the border in Indonesia, there were also ...

By Ari Greenspan and Ari Z. Zivotofsky

The Rose Report
Can Israel evolve into a key player in Saudi Arabia’s strategy against Iran?,Rose Report: Melting Ice in Saudi Arabia,Can ...

By Binyamin Rose

Washington Wrap
The fraught Alabama Senate race puts Trump’s instincts to the test,Washington Wrap: Trump Un-Moored?,The fraught Alabama Senate ...

By Omri Nahmias

Global View
Two snapshots in a Russian dacha tell a single tale of Putin’s power,Global View: Not a Pretty Picture,Two snapshots in ...

By Gershon Burstyn

Metro & Beyond
Though a recent poll showed that 51% of New Jerseyans think Menendez doesn’t deserve reelection, New Jersey leans Democratic and no strong Republican challenger has emerged

By Jacob Kornbluh

Metro & Beyond
Dani Dayan, Israeli consul general in New York, has changed the diplomatic rules since assuming his position in August 201 ...

By Jacob Kornbluh

Point of View
Nothing has changed. Yaakov is still left alone,Until the Light of Dawn,Nothing has changed. Yaakov is still left alone

By Rabbi Moshe Grylak zt"l

Are Americans prepared to separate children by ability?,Reclaiming Our Children,Are Americans prepared to separate children by abil ...

By Rabbi Moshe Young

I was perfectly healthy, with no risk factors for the disease. No one in my family was sick. And I was a good ...

By C. Saphir

Hotovely’s statements were virtually inarguable ,Tzipi Is Right,Hotovely’s statements were virtually inarguable

By Yonoson Rosenblum