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Shoshana Batya Greenwald
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Miri Lichtman
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Rivki Rabinowitz
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Sarah Faygie Berkowitz
Family Room
Rivki Rabinowitz
Next in Line
"I don’t want to waste my time trying to copy Abba, I’d rather develop according to my own abilities"
Riki Goldstein
Next in Line
"I inherited some of the passion and I am outspoken, but regretfully, not the same degree of tact"
Riki Goldstein
Mission. Each and every one of us, wherever we are, is a soldier with a singular purpose and mission
Sivan Rahav-Meir
“How can we connect our Simchas Torah joy to recent events? How will we be able to remember, and also, to dance?”
Sivan Rahav-Meir
Sirens at Ne'ilah
A half century after the guns fell silent over Sinai and the Golan, revisiting the climactic scenes on the front and those inside the heart
Binyamin Rose
Sirens at Ne'ilah
As sirens wailed, soldiers mobilized, and an entire nation was gripped by fear, how did the Torah world’s leaders respond?
Meir Gold and Yair Stern
Podcast: Knesset Channel
LISTEN: Join Gedalia Guttentag as he speaks to voters at the polls in Israel's key swing areas
Gedalia Guttentag
Podcast: Knesset Channel
What does MK Moshe Gafni expect from Monday's elections? What's it like to run the Finance Committee without a government? And what does Rav Chaim think about the Trump Plan?
Gedalia Guttentag
For Keeps: Rosh Hashanah Theme 5783
I can see the shul from my dining room window. The idea that it was so close, yet so far, was too much to bear
Binyomin Yudin 
For Keeps: Rosh Hashanah Theme 5783
“He would be killed just for having it in his possession. But a Torah is a Torah and my father was determined to save it”
Sandy Eller
More Family Room
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Recognizing the four seasons within design and style and how they impact your home choices

By Ruthy Procaccia

Family Room

We’ve curated a selection of incredible frum female artists whose art has caught our eye, and posed some fundamental questions to them

By Family Room Contributors

Family Room

If you’re interested in becoming a sketch-head like I am, here are the products I use:

By Rivki Rabinowitz

Family Room

A running internal dialogue

By Yaeli Vogel

Family Room

Breaking down the extensive process of sourcing art

By Leora Goldfeder

Family Room

Picture frames not only enhance the personality of a home, they also give a sense of its inhabitants

By Batsheva Kibel