The Current
Hezbollah began in the early 1980s as a small militant group, and has grown into the most powerful non-state army in the world
By Yaakov Lipszyc
The Rose Report
Will year two of the war mark the moment when Israel takes off the gloves and takes the battle directly to Iran?
By Binyamin Rose
Halls of Power
With five weeks to go until the election results are in, what regrets do political parties have?
By Maury Litwack
Magazine Feature
Rabbi Zecharya Greenwald helps newcomers navigate life after teshuvah
By Rachel Ginsberg
The Loving Classroom initiative of David Geffen a”h seeks to create a new reality around the globe
By Yoni Klajn
Family First Feature
4 women share stories of times they overcame hurt
By Family First Contributors
Family First Feature
The asarah harugei malchus lived and died to sanctify His Name
By Gitti Meirovitz
Family Tempo
Old rivalry reared its head — and then the shul collapsed
By Bashie Lisker
War Diaries
My phone buzzes again, another red alert. Hodayot. Kfar Zeitim. Lavi. Nabi Shu’ayb
By  Shoshana Gold
The 53,000-square-foot Friendship Circle of New Jersey (FCNJ) is unlike anything I’ve seen before
By Sivan Rahav-Meir
When your work puts you inside some of the most sensitive situations in our community, how can you keep from burning out?
Yisroel Besser
08 October 2024
6 Tishrei 5785
Ambassadors of Love
The Loving Classroom initiative of David Geffen a”h seeks to create a new reality around the globe
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08 October 2024
6 Tishrei 5785
To My Former Yom Kippur Tablemate
And there we sat, you and I, for the next six Yom Kippurim — a wonderful “table shidduch”
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21 August 2024
17 Av 5784
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16 July 2024
10 Tammuz 5784
Welcome to Oymyakon, the coldest town on Earth
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Featured Music
Dido Be
Avraham Fried
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Naftali Kempeh
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Mizmor LeDovid
Shloime Gertner
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Olam Hafuch
Simcha Leiner
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Hodu Lashem
Chayala Neuhaus
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Barbara Bensoussan is the quintessential Jewish dropout who never finished her Ph.D. but went on to teach English and Introductory Psychology at the University of Michigan.  She worked as a social worker for OHEL, an ESL teacher, and various other stints before easing into full time writing.  Her 20-year-plus career followed the growth of frum publishing, and she wrote articles for many Jewish publications before settling in at Mishpacha.  Barbara is the author of the young adult novel A New Song (Targum), the food memoir The Well-Spiced Life (Israel Bookshop), and the co-author of Converted Masters, an art book; she has also authored private memoirs and taught writing workshops.  All of this, of course, gets accomplished in the margins of Barbara’s day job as a wife, mother and grandmother.

Gedalia Guttentag is Mishpacha’s news and features editor. He studied for more than a decade in the Mir yeshiva, and is active in Jewish education.

Sara Eisemann, LMSW, ACSW, is a clinical therapist who resides in Oak Park, Mi.  She received her Master’s in Social Work at Wayne State University over 30 years ago. Sara practiced individual, group and marital therapy at Jewish Family Service of Detroit where she developed a passion for human dignity  as a member of Windows, the domestic violence prevent program at JFS. She then went on to private practice at the Birmingham-Maple Clinic.

Sara has always had a strong interest in women’s issues. She is a trained Core Mentor as well as a certified dating coach. Sara is a lecturer on topics of Torah, authenticity and relationships, as well as the author of MatchQuest, a dating advice column in Mishpacha magazine. She is a proud wife, mother, grandmother and community member and is a passionate advocate of living an authentic, connected life.