From My Table
For Chanukah this year, I had a mission to really highlight the dishes we make for our own families (as opposed to for parties), where mistakes are welcome.

By Chani Nayman

New York strip steaks are slices of French roast, the best roast out there. Here they’re dredged in a flavorful batter, deep-fried, and served medium rare. Need I say more?

By Rivky Kleiman

There’s nothing I love more than a friend challenging me to come up with a recipe for a concept they’ve seen around so that they can bring it to their own home.

By Chani Nayman

This salad is anything but same old

By Rivky Kleiman

Tefillah is primarily a time for connecting with Hashem and for conversing, kiveyachol, with Him

By Faigy Peritzman

The Beat
When we landed in Israel, I joined the foreign minister, and together we walked off the plane

By Mishpacha Staff

Day in the Life
Pesach Horowitz is the mastermind behind Escape Your OWN Room. He lives in Far Rockaway, New York

By Rachel Bachrach

Shul with a View
Minchah had already finished, and I didn’t see anyone who looked like a rosh yeshivah

By Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman

"All these years later, it’s still going strong at weddings"

By Riki Goldstein

Marijuana means no pain, no gain, and no growth

By Rabbi Avrohom Neuberger