Magazine Feature
Singing for a people in pain, Yaakov Shwekey got more than he gave

By Yaakov Shwekey

Magazine Feature
The former jailer of Hamas's masterminds unveils a portrait of evil

By David Glickson

Magazine Feature
30 years later, Rav Simcha Wasserman's legacy endures 

By Eytan Kobre

The Beat
Hunting Hamas

By Gedalia Guttentag

The Rose Report
Democrats beware — Centrists support Israel 

By Binyamin Rose

Knesset Channel
Faith in Israel’s political leadership is flagging. Emunah in our Father in Heaven, on the other hand, is holding up fine

By Avi Blum, ESQ

The Current
UAV’S play an ever-expanding role in Israel’s fight against Hamas

By Kobi Bornstein

Metro & Beyond
Avi Schnall won, but the ultimate victor was the Ihr HaTorah’s obedience to daas Torah

By Yosef Herz

Family Connections
Keeping one’s lips firmly closed has a dampening effect on emergency chemistry

By Sarah Chana Radcliffe

Here are some delicious and easy supper ideas that are sure to keep your family and your bank account full

By Elisheva Frankel

Cozey Feature
I’m always happier after I exercise, and full of energy, too. The trick is to find ways to exercise that are also fun

By Bashie Lisker

“Not only can they [our children] handle more than we think, they have the potential to thrive far beyond our imagination”

By Mishpacha Readers

Jr. Serial
“It’s okay.” I rest my head in my palms. “I just… want to sleep. And also I can’t sleep”

By Rochel Samet

For the Record
In 1806 Napoleon called for an assembly of Jewish leaders to form what he referred to as a “Sanhedrin”

By Dovi Safier and Yehuda Geberer