Latest Open Mic
Make Her Day: Succos 5782
“Strong” is so overused that it’s too trite to give people a real understanding of who she is and what she has gone through
Ariella Schiller
Make Her Day: Succos 5782
"I’d love to give her something to brighten her Yom Tov so that she feels special and knows how loved she is"
Ariella Schiller
When I casually mentioned a Dodgers game, his entire face lit up. Not just his eyes — his whole face
Seema Gersten
I felt that this was my one opportunity to introduce them to a bit of Judaism
Esther Mandel
2020 Election Special
Joe Biden has now confounded his doubters, making history as the oldest elected president with the first female Vice President
Binyamin Rose
2020 Election Special
The new cadre of journalists was a little less focused on accuracy and a little more into likes and retweets
Yisroel Besser
    We’ll need to ask ourselves a few questions. The first is, “What exactly are we doing wrong?” A lot of discussion around this time of year is about teshuvah. People talk about it, think about it, and try to figure out exactly how to do it. At some point, we usually end up noticing
Refoel Pride
Match Quest
Rules are a lot like clichés. They came about for a reason. And like clichés, sometimes they apply and sometimes they don’t
Sara Eisemann
Match Quest
I discovered two significant patterns regarding the women who were “skipped”
Sara Eisemann
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Open Mic

There is nothing sweeter than to reveal one’s personal spiritual greatness that has been dormant for far too long

By Rabbi Boruch Leff

Open Mic

This is a story about life. Your life. My life. And my son’s legacy

By Mark Newman

Open Mic

Concerns about Biden’s cognitive decline should be of utmost importance, but does it have to come in a package of degrading human dignity?

By Shmuel Botnick

Open Mic

  Is this really why I’m here? Did I really come to a wedding to eat? Is that all a Jewish wedding has to offer? S ome years ago, I was invited to a wedding that, given the parties involved, I knew would have a shmorg that met my most elaborate expectations: an endless variety

By Boruch Leff

Open Mic

Our ignorance on the subject exposes our children to the greatest dangers involved with vaping

By Eric Bornstein

Open Mic

The day before the wedding, I was visiting with my mother. She reached for my hand, looked me in the eye, and said, “Suren’yu, mein kind, I love you very much, and you know how much I love Chavi. I’m not coming to the wedding.”

By Sarah Moses Spero