This is a must have recipe!

By Estee Kafra

My favorite flavor by far is lemon anything with lemon and I’m an instant fan. These bars have the perfect combination of tart and sweet. 

By Estee Kafra

The Moment
On the eve of a new Rosh Hashanah, Rav Avigdor Miller’s lesson continues to inspire.

By Mishpacha Contributors

A flash of inspiration is a Divine gift that falls into our minds or our laps

By Shoshana Friedman

On Topic
You’ve decided to strike out on your own and go freelance. Here’s how to establish yourself in your field and work your way toward success

By Miriam Bloch

Text Messages
It’s a clear statement about how some of America’s greatest Torah leaders view smartphone use

By Eytan Kobre

Real Life
From the sidelines, my stomach turned. My girls got kisses and hugs and waved their Bubby off with a smile. Shimmy got nary a glance

By Tzipi Katzler

Day in the Life
Tani Guterman is a pediatric occupational therapist who hosts a weeknight podcast called O.T. Talk with Mr. T

By Rachel Bachrach