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Rabbi Avi Schnall
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Gedalia Guttentag
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Gedalia Guttentag
The Soapbox
Gedalia Guttentag
My Yeshivah: Shavuos 5782
The boys would go home for Pesach and Succos, and the place lost its energy; the town became a shadow of itself
Rivka Streicher
My Yeshivah: Shavuos 5782
As China menaces Taiwan, America must step in   Ever since Nixon’s dramatic China visit in 1972, American policy on the Communist giant has been a fantasyland. Known as the “One-China policy,” it attempted to reconcile China’s claim to Taiwan with the US commitment to the island nation’s independence. At heart was a piece of
Family First Contributors
10 Questions
Aharon Mezei is the owner of Passaic's Safer Escape, which resells the Modum Fire Escape Ladder
Rachel Bachrach
10 Questions
Dovid Fine is the founder and CEO of Recharge: Vacation Relief Fund in Toronto, Canada
Rachel Bachrach
If Israel cannot fight a war to win due to concern for any hostages held by the enemy, then the price is too high
Yonoson Rosenblum
Hillel reports a 700 percent leap in anti-Semitic incidents since October 7
Yonoson Rosenblum
The Best: Music Collection
A new hit composition by Yisrael Meir Friedberg, featured on 'The Best' Music album in the Hebrew Mishpacha Succos Edition
The Best: Music Collection
A moving melody with powerful words, composed and sung by Noach Paley, featured on 'The Best' Music album in the Hebrew Mishpacha Succos Edition
I hope you can use this inspiration to create a beautiful table of your own
Shiri Feldman
Here’s a peek at what I did so you can create your own Yom Tov table — complete with elegant linen, stunning flowers, and complementary candlesticks.
Shiri Feldman
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A casualty of a politician’s fickleness

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This is a disaster of generational dimensions, not just embarrassing but dangerous to America

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Note to Naftali Bennett: Fight red tape, not Rabbis for shemittah

By Gedalia Guttentag

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“Title I was what made Agudath Israel a national organization”

By Yochonon Donn

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The shocking numbers of estranged American Jews should give us no rest

By Gedalia Guttentag

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Why soccer should matter to Britain’s frum community

By Gedalia Guttentag