Family First Feature
Regal yet practical, Rebbetzin Sara Finkel brought majesty to the Torah world

By Ariella Schiller

The Change That Lasted
Nine writers share their stories of determination and transformation

By Mishpacha Contributors

The Change That Lasted
“Just one Shabbos,” she told herself, “and this is Shabbos number one”

By Russy Tendler

The Change That Lasted
A friend mentioned she’d heard that feedings sessions were times of kedushah

By Michal Schwartz

The Change That Lasted
I needed something stronger than what I had to keep on going

By Miriam Klein Adelman

The Change That Lasted
It was time to make more of an effort

By Barbara Bensoussan

The Change That Lasted
Like most kabbalos in my life, it started with great expectations, but in the back of my head I didn’t really expect much of it

By Esther Kurtz

The Change That Lasted
First impressions and second glances are fleeting and patience isn’t my virtue, yet inevitably, one thing would lead to another

By Sarah Moses Spero

The brother we knew was never coming back

By C. Saphir

Magazine Feature
At the cusp of a new year, four men share their month-long journey toward upgraded lives

By Shmuel Botnick

Second Thoughts
The power of chesed to change attitudes

By Rabbi Emanuel Feldman

From My Table

By Chanie Nayman

Magazine Feature
Malcolm Hoenlein writes the rulebook for diplomatic success, and wants Orthodox Jews to step up

By Gedalia Guttentag

Point of View
Voluntarily or not, we stand before the Divine Investigative Committee with full transparency

By Rabbi Moshe Grylak zt"l