Jr. Feature
Why haven’t we ever heard of Irish pirates? And what happened to them?

By Malka Winner

Jr. Fiction
“Nu?” Smadar feels like she’s holding her breath. She knows what a big deal these things are for Margalit

By Malka Winner

Teen Diary Serial
I could never find a good opportunity to say, “Hey, by the way, I converted to Judaism when I was little”

By Chaya Rosen

“If I would have accepted your invitation to stay overnight,” Kayla asks with interest, “where would I have slept?”

By Rochel Samet

Jr. Serial
I drag my feet to the exit where Zeidy is waiting. I pass under the sign reading Nothing to Declare. Of course not. I have nothing at all

By Rochel Samet

Story Time
 “If he can give the money to someone who will use it better than we do, let him give it to someone else”

By Y. Bromberg

Teen Diary Serial
“I don’t like it when people decide to do their ‘chesed for the day’ by being nice to a giyores”

By Chaya Rosen

“You have nothing to worry about, your music is mechayeh people”

By Riki Goldstein

From My Table
We never get tired of popcorn in all forms in my house, especially on a long Friday night. There’s something fun about this method.

By Chanie Nayman

No government action or failure to act was beyond the purview of the Barak Court

By Yonoson Rosenblum

Quick and easy, light, filling, and healthy. Oh, and did I mention delicious too?

By Chavi Feldman

By the Numbers
Parental support: readers share their takes

By Family First Readers

Sound Bites
Spearheading a grassroots revival of the incredible zechus of washing for Melaveh Malkah, Sara asks “What Are You Washing On?”

By Chaia Frishman