Latest A Few Minutes With
A Few Minutes With
Avi Blum, ESQ
A Few Minutes With
Avi Blum, ESQ and Yossi Elituv
A Few Minutes With
Yoni Klajn
A Few Minutes With
Moshe Sheffer and Yisrael Yoskovitch
A Few Minutes With
Avi Blum, ESQ
I wonder if the path is as lonely as I’ve been imagining, after all
Rochel Samet
Wait, since when do I joke about these things? What’s happening to me?
Rochel Samet
Sivan Rahav-Meir finds common ground wherever she lands
Sivan Rahav-Meir
“Loser, you’re a loser,” my classmates taunt, pointing at my cleft lip while I shrink into hopeless oblivion
Devorah Grant
I would find myself crying not for Kaila and her family, but for the simplicity of my own life before this all happened
Ariella Schiller
We don’t know the ways of Hashem, but we do know that He gives us just what we need at exactly the time we need it
Family First Contributors
“You may feel so far, but even wanting to want is still a level. Never stop wanting”
Family First Contributors
Concentric Circle
Already by Birchos haShachar I’ve remembered eight urgent things to do
Esther Sender
Concentric Circle
Separation is extremely complicated and highly dangerous in most cases — often one or both twins doesn’t make it.
More A Few Minutes With
A Few Minutes With

Lord Eric Pickles speaks out on British elites’ hostility to Israel

By Yoni Klajn

A Few Minutes With

“I’m not a conspiracist, but I do recognize a reluctance on the part of the civil service to take in chareidi employees”

By Yisrael Yoskovitch

A Few Minutes With

Under affirmative action, Jewish students lost most

By Binyamin Rose

A Few Minutes With

New Interior Minister Moshe Arbel on Israel’s Passport Chaos

By Avi Blum, ESQ

A Few Minutes With

Yaakov Amidror is a former national security advisor, Major General (res.)

By Chananel Shapira

A Few Minutes With

A year into Russia’s war, Ukrainian ambassador Yevgen Korniychuk calls for Israeli weapons and moral support

By Eliyahu Ackerman