The Current
After a week of Israeli attacks, Hezbollah is on the defensive and the region stands on the brink of all-out war
By Kobi Borenstein and Yaakov Lipszyc
The Rose Report
Will this year’s vote count also lead to chaos?
By Binyamin Rose
A Few Minutes With
For Gaza’s postwar future, settlement means security
By Achiya Bitan
Magazine Feature
The tuition numbers aren’t adding up
By Gitty Edelstein
Magazine Feature
Rabbi Shaul Rosenblatt trains the most distant Jews to embrace their blessings
By Rivka Streicher
Family First Feature
How to meet the challenges of caring for an aging parent
By Lori Holzman Schwartz
War Diaries
Could she get engaged without her chassan?
By Chava Rachelle Vodka
Tempo: Second Guessing
Can my son be the only one to miss this family simchah?
By Ariella Schiller
Why are so many Israelis still clamoring for an agreement? The easy answer is their hatred of Bibi
By Shoshana Friedman
A Storied People
The worst part was that I seemed to have lost the faith of my investors
By Rabbi Nachman Seltzer
When your work puts you inside some of the most sensitive situations in our community, how can you keep from burning out?
Yisroel Besser
24 September 2024
21 Elul 5784
Opening the Books   
The tuition numbers aren’t adding up
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24 September 2024
21 Elul 5784
When Roles Reverse 
How to meet the challenges of caring for an aging parent
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21 August 2024
17 Av 5784
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16 July 2024
10 Tammuz 5784
Welcome to Oymyakon, the coldest town on Earth
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Featured Music
Dido Be
Avraham Fried
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Naftali Kempeh
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Mizmor LeDovid
Shloime Gertner
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Olam Hafuch
Simcha Leiner
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Hodu Lashem
Chayala Neuhaus
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Barbara Bensoussan is the quintessential Jewish dropout who never finished her Ph.D. but went on to teach English and Introductory Psychology at the University of Michigan.  She worked as a social worker for OHEL, an ESL teacher, and various other stints before easing into full time writing.  Her 20-year-plus career followed the growth of frum publishing, and she wrote articles for many Jewish publications before settling in at Mishpacha.  Barbara is the author of the young adult novel A New Song (Targum), the food memoir The Well-Spiced Life (Israel Bookshop), and the co-author of Converted Masters, an art book; she has also authored private memoirs and taught writing workshops.  All of this, of course, gets accomplished in the margins of Barbara’s day job as a wife, mother and grandmother.

Gedalia Guttentag is Mishpacha’s news and features editor. He studied for more than a decade in the Mir yeshiva, and is active in Jewish education.

Sara Eisemann, LMSW, ACSW, is a clinical therapist who resides in Oak Park, Mi.  She received her Master’s in Social Work at Wayne State University over 30 years ago. Sara practiced individual, group and marital therapy at Jewish Family Service of Detroit where she developed a passion for human dignity  as a member of Windows, the domestic violence prevent program at JFS. She then went on to private practice at the Birmingham-Maple Clinic.

Sara has always had a strong interest in women’s issues. She is a trained Core Mentor as well as a certified dating coach. Sara is a lecturer on topics of Torah, authenticity and relationships, as well as the author of MatchQuest, a dating advice column in Mishpacha magazine. She is a proud wife, mother, grandmother and community member and is a passionate advocate of living an authentic, connected life.