Barbara Bensoussan

Barbara Bensoussan

Barbara Bensoussan is the quintessential Jewish dropout who never finished her Ph.D. but went on to teach English and Introductory Psychology at the University of Michigan.  She worked as a social worker for OHEL, an ESL teacher, and various other stints before easing into full time writing.  Her 20-year-plus career followed the growth of frum publishing, and she wrote articles for many Jewish publications before settling in at Mishpacha.  Barbara is the author of the young adult novel A New Song (Targum), the food memoir The Well-Spiced Life (Israel Bookshop), and the co-author of Converted Masters, an art book; she has also authored private memoirs and taught writing workshops.  All of this, of course, gets accomplished in the margins of Barbara’s day job as a wife, mother and grandmother.

True Account
Sunday, June 09, 2024
Tuesday, April 16, 2024
Did October 7 change people’s perception of Judaism? Mishpacha’s team visits Penn Station to find out
Family First Feature
Tuesday, March 12, 2024
Animal therapy isn’t your classic form of therapy, but those cute balls of fur are great for our mental health
Magazine Feature
Tuesday, March 12, 2024
Researcher Michoel Rotenfeld revived a forgotten manuscript of a lost world
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Tuesday, February 20, 2024
Suzanne Dekel, an internationally recognized expert on artisanal dyeing, creates the most vibrant of hues from the most natural of sources
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Tuesday, January 09, 2024
Father and son team Phil and Uri Schneider help stutterers find a voice
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Tuesday, December 26, 2023
Brain surgery gave Jacki Edry new vulnerabilities — and new understanding of neurodivergent children