Casual studies have shown that people like giving savory mishloach manos more than they like to give sweet. Here’s a super quick but flavor-packed dip recipe for you.
Is planning mishloach manos in October any different from shopping for kids’ clothes for Pesach (er, Shavuos, rather) in January?
I used a mountain of assorted chocolate bars to decorate the entire exterior of a birthday cake for a chocolate lover, and I highly recommend it!
I can’t say I make this recipe often, but I usually remember to dust it off once or twice a winter. Whenever I do, it’s like an “Oh, right!” moment, and it always delivers.
Some nights feel like a game of “How many ways can we shake up chicken and broccoli and still create new permutations?”
Yes, it’s just another salad recipe but, also, it’s not just another salad recipe.