Family First Feature
It’s tempting to bypass the distressing feelings and skip straight to declarations of emunah. But true emunah requires facing pain and ambivalence, and only then transcending them

By Sara Eisemann

Personal Accounts
Wherever we are, whoever we’re with... On the seventh day we rest. Nine tales of Shabbos spent in unexpected spots

By Family First Contributors

Family Matters
I think the reason she chose me to be her confidante is obvious: I’d been a caregiver. I’d been there. I would get it

By Joan Zlotnick

“He’s not one of those guys who opens the cream cheese container but leaves the plastic wrap half attached on top, is he? Because that’s bad middos”

By Yael Zoldan

Behind the Book
As humans, we have many different parts of our personalities. We also have weaknesses and wounds. But as Hashem’s people, we have an actual part of Him within us. That’s our Aweso ...

By Riki Goldstein

Shevy twisted the bag around her finger and inhaled. “I’m not dumb. I know something’s wrong. You’re hiding something about the Engels. What is it? Tell me, I can handle it”

By Esty Heller

Naomi sighed. This was ridiculous. She’d been married for 16 years. Why was she still worrying about what her sisters-in-law thought about her?

By Michal Marcus

And then it’s time for the most important, most integral part of Visiting Day: leaving camp grounds!

By Dini Stein

Cheese and charcuterie boards are definitely the popular options in the food­ on-a-board world. This method is amazing for a crowd and easily adaptable to your own preferences.

By Michal Frischman

2.0 Feature
Meet Chaya Suri and learn how she’s made the art of sourdough baking into a business that provides for her family in more ways than one.

By Abbey Wolin

2.0 Feature
Our rebbeim and our parents teach us from a young age that the Torah’s values — and not society’s values — are real and true.

By Rabbi Avrohom Weiss

2.0 Feature
People didn’t invent airplanes. Flight is part of Hashem’s world — we just had to find it.

By Alex Abel

2.0 Feature
The Story Behind Innovative Pool-Sharing Service Swimply

By Sabrina Brick

Editors Note
When I get to that place, I remember that Hashem has a plan tailor-made for me

By Alex Abel