Magazine Feature
From behind his new pulpit at the OU, Rabbi Moshe Hauer connects to the whole crowd

By Yisroel Besser

The Beat
Is more conflict in store for Israel’s northern border?

By Mishpacha Staff

The Current
As the legal battle for Alta Fixsler’s life runs out of road, her father pleads for her virtual imprisonment to end

By Gedalia Guttentag

The Current
How a powerful, vindictive Andrew Cuomo bullied Jewish activists into submission

By Yochonon Donn

"They aren’t all 'going off' the derech. Some of them were never on it to begin with"

By Mishpacha Readers

For the Record
The visit of Rav Moshe (among other gedolim) was the brainchild of Dr. Shimon Askovitz

By Dovi Safier and Yehuda Geberer

The Moment
A profound message about goals, about the season, and about the deepest bonds in the world

By Mishpacha Staff

The Moment
"Ribbono shel Olam, allow us to daven to You the way we are used to…”

By Mishpacha Staff

It took a long bath and a lot of soothing before my son was clean, calm, and coherent enough to explain

By Raizy Appeldorfer

I had a nightmare — now what?

By Rabbi Doniel Neustadt

Down to a Science
Being a lefty is pretty rare. Only around 10 percent of the population is left-handed

By Yael Zoldan

Out of the Woods
Elchanan could say what he liked, but it was time to use the map for real and work out what had gone wrong

By Rochel Samet