
Efshar l’hatzil | אפשר להציל

Life-Saving Words

In sefer Sichos HaRan, Rebbe Nachman of Breslov describes a person who is struggling so intensely with the burden of his challenging circumstances that he sees no purpose in continuing to live. He writes that a single smile from a passing stranger can literally save this person's life, brightening his world and giving him the strength to carry on hoping for a better tomorrow. Efshar L'hatzil was composed as a tribute to several precious souls who are tragically no longer with us. Friends and family of these neshamos recount that through all the pain and brokenness these young men and women suffered, it was easy to see that every smile, every kind word, every hug meant the world to them and made their difficult conditions just a bit more bearable. "Know how good and beautiful you are, know how pure and precious you are." Let's allow these words to enter our hearts and pass them on to every Yid we meet!

אפשר להציל את נפשו של אדם על ידי שתאמר לו כמה שהוא טוב ויפה

You can save a brother’s life, You can save a sister’s life, by just telling them these words:
Know how good and beautiful you are, know how pure and precious you are.
You mamish can save a persons life.

דו קענסט ראטעווען א ברודער'ס לעבן,  דו קענסט ראטעווען א שוועסטער'ס לעבן, ביי זיי זאגן די ווערטער:
ווייס ווי גוט און שיין די ביזט, ווייס ווי גוט און שיין די ביזט, דו ממש קענסט ראטעווען א מענטשנ'ס לעבן


Artist Betzalel Levin
Composed by Chaim Mayer Wertheimer
Produced by Mendy Portnoy


לע”נ ר׳ משה יצחק בן ר’ יעקב

(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 873)

Efshar l’hatzil
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