A classic Pesach snack to add to your family's repertoire.

By Esther Ottensoser

Riva forced herself to voice her deepest fear. “I really care about… the learning thing. I really care about… a home attached to Torah. I need to know he’s there too”

By Zivia Reischer

Know This

By Bracha Stein

True Colors
I dread when people want to play Jewish geography. I know, I know. That “game” is like a national pastime in Klal Yisrael. But for me, it’s guaranteed to make me a loser

By Malka Winner

Finally, there they are. Howard and Jack and the rest of them. He should make the most of this game, his last for the next while

By Rochel (Grunewald) Samet

“Did you fight back? No? You’re a tzaddik! Quick, give Aunt Hudis a brachah that she should get married this year!”

By Leah Greenburg

5 out of 10
How we see other Jews and ourselves

By Dovid Bashevkin