Someone who booked me for a simchah recently told me: “I have just one request. I want you to sing ‘Mah Yedidus.’”
“Look at the girl to the right. Look at the girl in another grade. We’re all sisters. Let’s create a nachas ruach for the Eibeshter.”
Like those on the “Ani Maamin” Holocaust train where this niggun was composed, my mother was fortifying her emunah in the coming of Mashiach, and the ultimate happy ending,
She responded that whenever she feels negative feelings toward someone, she listens to Avraham Friend’s “My Fellow Jew” and pictures this person as she listens to the song
These words bought me so much comfort at a very depressing time. I felt like this tefillah had been written for me.
We have no control over anything that happens and we just need to put our trust in Him.