Teen Feature
Life can be tough on so many fronts — school, friends, family. And that’s when there’s a choice: to give in to the difficulties, or to choose to rise above them — and see just how ...

By C.B. Wahler

Movin on Up
My mother’s main concern is shidduchim. She is way more typical than I am, always doing what she’s supposed to be doing, and would never think of opening her own business

By Shaina Keren

Once my classmates understood what was going on, they were totally cool with it. Why wouldn’t they be?

By Leah Greenburg

Story Supplement
Five stories of Providence and Protection

By Teen Contributors

Teen Fiction
It’s hard to believe that I’m actually part of the inner circle, an active part of the discussions, a dynamic contributor, if I may say so myself

By Roizy Baum

Out of Step
Mommy appears. “Come in, come in quickly,” she whispers, flapping her hand. We scurry in, confused by the cloak-and-dagger attitude

By Ariella Schiller

Story Supplement
“I seriously cannot believe she scheduled a major test the week of Teen Thrill’s sale. I heard they have really cute sweaters. I’m really upset”

By Jr. Writers

Risk Factor
This 15-year-old had been “in and out of rehab” for three years!

By Rabbi Yossi Bensoussan

Linked Supplement
Now, in hindsight, I wonder about it. A shul that had a rebbetzin, and no official rav? But back then it seemed natural

By Shoshana Friedman

Linked Supplement
Strip away the where-what-when-how of our lives, and you’ll often find that behind the trappings of our modern-day routines lies an ancestor whose life mission informs our own

By Mishpacha Contributors

This dessert was conceptualized, tested, and named by my six-year-old son, who started asking the very valid question of what cutie pie IS and why do I call him that and is it a r ...

By Michal Frischman

Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky is still dreaming of ways to elevate and illuminate the American Torah landscape

By Yisroel Besser