Mishpacha 827 - Mishpacha Magazine - Page 5
News In Depth
A blast of warmth from Dubai: On site report from a newly welcoming land 

By Yaakov Amsalem

Magazine Feature
Rabbi Shlomo Gissinger used halachic authority with genuine warmth and love

By Elisheva Appel

Magazine Feature
When illness strikes, these advisors are ready to help

By Mishpacha Staff

Inside Israel
Chareidi cities bear the brunt as second wave soars

By Eliezer Shulman

Washington Wrap
In a close-run election, watch the swing states

By Omri Nahmias

Metro & Beyond
There are now around 400 tons of the creamy gold in the refrigerators and freezers of the mile-and-a-half region, and people are getting desperate to find ways of dealing with it

By Yochonon Donn

The Moment
The Rachmistrivka Rebbe of Yerushalayim had one obligation to attend to before opening the doors for new requests

By Mishpacha Staff

On Site
Jews were banned from Jerusalem for centuries after the Beis Hamikdash was destroyed, leaving the far-away Galil the new frontier. And Tzippori became the place to reframe

By Rabbi Ephraim Schwartz

Different beds, different foods, different customs. I navigated strange waters with my family as the compass

By Elana Rothberg

If you don’t know the joys of lamb riblets yet, these are for you. And if you do already, well then, you know. So enjoy!

By Danielle Renov

Outside Chance
"You can do better, Chana. Yehudis, who made your community, deserves better. So does the shul"

By Esther Kurtz

An amazing fresh salad that showcases the unique fruits of this time of year!

By Rivky Kleiman

Unlock Your Heart
When we can’t identify the strivings of our souls, the siddur identifies them and gives them words

By Faigie Zelcer and Leah Gebber

I love the idea that you can use this for two different seudos during this hectic time of year, yet it looks fresh and different each time.

By Faigy Grossman