“If we were at a restaurant, another dessert would be an additional ten dollars. But at home it’s still from the same $4.99 pint”

By Esther Kurtz

Yerachmiel’s forehead creases as he thinks. “Is there a mitzvah in the Torah to be a baal korei? To write a sefer Torah, yes. But to learn how to lein? I don’t recall”

By Leah Gebber

These women don’t even know her, but they want to know about her deepest struggles

By Rivka Streicher

“The mommy you want to take you doesn’t exist,” Leah hissed, suddenly brutal. “Mommy will not dress you fit to be seen, baby. Her taste is gone”

By Riki Goldstein

Uncle Yidel was dancing in the middle with two rabbanim, but he lit up when he saw Shmuly. Of course he did — the orphaned nephew, the perfect prop for his simchah, along with the ...

By Dov Haller

Ugh, that was not a nice thing to think about a person who gave you a generous gift. What was wrong with me?

By Esty Heller

I hope they won’t ask, How old are you now? Because I’m not planning to say that I’m twenty-nine

By Chanie Spira

I press the pen hard between my fingers as I note this next to Rivky’s name. How do they all know everything about everyone?

By Gila Arnold

Point of View
The only way to explain the joy of Simchas Torah is in the language of love

By Rabbi Moshe Grylak zt"l

Jr. Feature
In 1939, when Forrest Fenn was nine years old, he found his first treasure. It was a small arrowhead

By Sivi Sekula

A new standard with which to measure our deeds: the standard of eternity

By Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky

Double Dance
Rikki couldn’t answer. How could she? She had just found out that a huge chunk of her life was a lie

By Bracha Rosman

Shul with a View
“I haven’t danced since 1938, why should today be different?”

By Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman

Linked Supplement
By the time I had matured enough to pose the right questions, dementia had decayed his towering intellect and muted his deep, rich voice

By Mrs. Elana Moskowitz