| From My Table |

From my Table: Issue 804

One of the most heartwarming gestures that has become a norm in our communities is sending meals to a new mother. The thoughtfulness never gets old for me. And for each person who sends something that required time, effort, and expense, there are probably another handful of gracious, giving people who wished they could send, thought about sending, and maybe even bought/made something — but didn’t get to bring it over (admittedly this has happened to me, especially on an Erev Shabbos). Yet despite this outpouring of love, so many of these women don’t report their efforts. Maybe they don’t believe in the thought counting, but coming from the receiver’s end, I believe it does.

We’re all so busy — drowning even — that sometimes the thought of adding even one more thing is just too much. But the idea is to acknowledge just that. A text saying, “I’d love to be able to help, and I wish I could” might be all it takes, and that in itself is a form of giving.

Shortly after I was the new mother receiving kimpeturin
meals, I read the fantastic Double Take in Mishpacha about the aunts who couldn’t manage to pull off a detail-oriented sheva brachos for their deserving niece. I respect people who are protective enough of their inner world (their kids, their home, their sanity) that they’re able to say no with pride. But on the other hand, sometimes there’s room to extend yourself a little bit more as a gesture of thoughtfulness and appreciation.

And if that’s not an option, acknowledge that you’d love to be in a place where you’d be able to pull off something that requires so much effort, but for whatever reason, this time you just can’t.

Sometimes acknowledging something is the most important part. It’s the part that requires pause and mindfulness. I find Tishah B’Av to be a tricky day for very little kids. I’m obviously not looking to impose an adult level of mourning on them, but I also feel that they can connect to the day on their own level through our acknowledgement that it’s Tishah B’Av several times throughout the day.

Wishing you a meaningful fast, and may we see the Geulah very soon.

Food Editor, Family Table
Editor in Chief, Kosher.com


Tried-and-True Caesar Dressing
  • ⅓ cup Parmesan cheese
  • ¾ cup mayonnaise
  • 3 cubes frozen garlic, or 1/2–1 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
  • 1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 tsp Dijon mustard
  • ½ tsp salt
  • freshly cracked black pepper
Pack of Nuts

Justin’s nut butter recently came out with a pareve chocolate hazelnut butter. It’s a mini — one serving, great for a vacation or a snack anytime. It’s also a great substitute for dessert recipes that call for Nutella.


(Originally featured in Family Table, Issue 804)

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