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Rabbi Dovid Bashevkin
The Moment
Dovid Bashevkin and Shuki Lehrer
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Dovid Bashevkin
The Moment
Yisroel Besser
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Dovid Bashevkin
TLC Podcast
In part two of this important topic, Rabbi Schonfeld and Rabbi Garfield continue their discussion about gemara with Rav Aaron Lopiansky. How do you reconcile the Torah's view of the age of the world with the theories that the scientific community suggest? How should we be teaching children that eisav soneh Yaakov practically, when they might have regular interactions with the umos haolam? And the BIG QUESTION: How do we relay to boys who are struggling with gemara that they are as equally as important as the metzuyanim?  
Rabbi Ari Schonfeld and Rabbi Yerachmiel Garfield
TLC Podcast
On our first ever episode, Rabbi Schonfeld and Rabbi Garfield discuss the burning questions parents have about raising their children. Is there any validity to the opinion that forcing middle school boys to go to shul on Shabbos is the way to go? When your child reports "facts" that don't line up with that the teacher says, who do you believe? And the BIG QUESTION: Is it possible my son is not cut out for Gemara?
Rabbi Ari Schonfeld and Rabbi Yerachmiel Garfield
Shul of My Youth
Rabbi Paysach Krohn remembers the shul of his youth
Baila Rosenbaum
Shul of My Youth
For some reason my father chose to become a member at Dukes Place, and that was our shul
Riki Goldstein
Someone Should...
Admittedly, accommodations are not always easy and can oftentimes complicate matters
Mrs. Rivkie Feiner
Jolly Solly
The troublesome two faced each other, fists clenched — but were distracted by Jolly Solly’s voice nearby
R. Atkins
Jolly Solly
“Burst pipe!” he called to his fellow workmen inside.  “Somebody turn off the water mains!”
R. Atkins
Theme Section: Open Secrets
So many of us carry secrets — some heavy, some light. Some that mean nothing, and some that change everything. Six writers tell stories of secrets kept, shared, and revealed
Family First Contributors
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A tribute to Rebbetzin Esther Finkel a”h, wife of the late Rosh Yeshivah Rav Beinish Finkel, and mother-in-law of Rav Nosson Tzvi ztz”l.

By Riki Goldstein


Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz — Klal Yisrael’s Rebbe.

By Rabbi Nosson Scherman


Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz’s “ArtScroll Revolution” overhauled Torah literature, but he believed anyone can do big things if they’re up to hearing the call

By Yisroel Besser


In 1970, Rabbi Nisson Wolpin accepted the editorship of The Jewish Observer, “a mechanech for adults,” a post he held for the next 39 years. In tribute to a groundbreaking leader

By Mishpacha Contributors


It’s been five years since the passing of Rosh Yeshivah Rav Nosson Tzvi Finkel ztz”l, yet striving for growth and determination against the odds has become his enduring legacy

By Yisroel Besser


When the tzaddik of Tosh raised his holy eyes to you, you felt unworthy and elevated at once, engulfed in the comfort that you weren’t alone in your challenges.

By Yisroel Besser