So, what is it you do? In many parts of the Jewish world, this typical conversation starter has three-storied answers: doctor, lawyer, accountant. But I got a glimpse of a host of different answers to the question at last week’s TribeWorks Business Accelerator, a one-day conference dedicated to innovation in the Jewish world. TribeWorks, an organizational partner of Mishpacha magazine, is focused on fostering the entrepreneurial revolution already underway in the Jewish community. Its launch event pulsed with ideas, energy, and an exchange of resources, featuring a high-power lineup of presenters and an overflow crowd of attendees. The inspiring day, dedicated to economic empowerment and professional creativity, is expanding the possible answers to the question, “What do you do?” But of course, just a reminder, before leaving your full-time job for entrepreneurial adventures, always best to double-check with your spouse. Here are my top five business ventures embraced by the yeshivah community.