Latest LifeTakes
Shifra Margolis
Chana Goodman
Sara Levenshtein
Esti Zelkovitz
Ahava Ehrenpreis
Shul with a View
With the hindsight of almost 60 years, I realize with sharp clarity how insightful and prescient my mother was
Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman
Shul with a View
“Rabbi, I know you’re wondering why I came here on a random Shabbos”
Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman
Yosef Chaim
Did they ever imagine that he’d be able to repeat a prayer in Aramaic, in front of 200 people, in memory of his father? If you happen to have davened one particular Shabbos morning in the attractive brick edifice formally called Congregation Beis Knesses Avigdor (more popularly known as “Rabbi Kahn’s shul”), you merited to
Shira Yehudit Djalilmand
Yosef Chaim
"What period in Jewish history would you like to go back in time to — and what would you do differently if you were there?!”
Shira Yehudit Djalilmand
Street Smarts
In the taxi world, drivers are divided as to whether a “real” nahag uses Waze. For these veterans who know the city’s every highway and byway, the consensus is clear: real drivers don’t rely on it
Yaacov Lipszyc
Street Smarts
Love of the land has been infused in Shuki’s blood since birth; he’s the right man for our challenge
Ariella Schiller
I hope you can use this inspiration to create a beautiful table of your own
Shiri Feldman
Here’s a peek at what I did so you can create your own Yom Tov table — complete with elegant linen, stunning flowers, and complementary candlesticks.
Shiri Feldman
Our cover story, “Opening the Books” in Issue 1030 continues to draw vigorous and passionate feedback. Here is a sampling:
Mishpacha Readers
“Everyone agrees an education is a basic right. It should be the same for frum children”
Mishpacha Readers
More LifeTakes

  The flashbacks are constant. The one I’m reliving now is my husband coming home from shul Friday night, finding me in tears as I read. “Suri, put that magazine away. Why do they have so many sad articles? They should call it Meis-pacha,” he would joke. It’s hard to believe it’s been two years.

By Suri Madras


My mazel, however, has never yet helped me fill my bank account, my sheitel boxes, or my jewelry rolls

By Raizy Sprung


My heart sinks as I see the dates of our vacation and the performance coincide

By Chanie Stavsky


She glances down at them and knows she can’t use them for the yearbook. They’re horrible, hideous even. How can she possibly be so ugly?

By Shiri Taub


Bench or seven flights of stairs? I could wait for another bus. Or I could start walking home. Or… I could just sit here?

By Esther Mendelsohn


It’s important for her chinuch, I told myself, and I believed it. I still do

By Tehila Friedman