Latest Jr. Feature
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J.S. Wolin
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Bashie Lisker
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Malka Winner
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J.S. Wolin
Jr. Feature
J.S. Wolin
Two Cents
Unsolicited advice from people with no qualifications but many opinions
Michali Naiman and Chana Fishman
Two Cents
When it comes to peeves, we don’t have a pet, we have a whole zoo
Michali Naiman and Chana Fishman
Always in Season
How holiday businesses stay lucrative year-round
Rochel Burstyn
Always in Season
How holiday businesses stay lucrative year-round
Rochel Burstyn
2020 Election Special
Joe Biden has now confounded his doubters, making history as the oldest elected president with the first female Vice President
Binyamin Rose
2020 Election Special
The new cadre of journalists was a little less focused on accuracy and a little more into likes and retweets
Yisroel Besser
F is for Friendship
“But, but….” I sounded like the sputtering last cup of soda in a slush machine. “That doesn’t make any sense,” I finally said
Ruchama Schnaidman
F is for Friendship
Tzivi wasn’t the writer, I thought. I glanced around the classroom. That left twenty-two other girls. Well, twenty-one because it wasn’t Penina
Ruchama Schnaidman
More Jr. Feature
Jr. Feature

An amazing true story that shows how important it is to ask for mechilah

By Sivi Sekula

Jr. Feature

Check out the following monarchs, who were the world’s youngest kings and queens!

By Nechama Roth

Jr. Feature

Meet the Gruzman family, who have not one, not two, but a whopping four sets of twins!

By Faigy Meijers

Jr. Feature

Setting up a lemonade stand sounds like a fun way to make some money. But there’s a lot more involved than squeezing lemons and adding sugar!

By Malka Winner

Jr. Feature

Let’s explore some of the industries that used to be super important for people’s everyday lives but are now struggling to stay alive. The big question is if these industries will survive in the long run.

By Sivi Sekula

Jr. Feature

A few minutes with some of the talent behind (and on!) the different stages we all enjoy

By Rivka Teeberg