Latest Jr. Feature
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Malka Winner
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Sivi Sekula
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Malka Winner
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Malka Winner
Jr. Feature
Rochel Burstyn
I of the Storm
I pinched myself. Could it be that the entire Shafer crew is cooperating, smiling — and genuinely happy? Could it be that our family portrait is not a complete farce?
Ilana Shafer
I of the Storm
So I’m not a tzadeikes, I shot back to my ever-present faultfinder. I haven’t got bottomless reservoirs of patience. But I’m not so bad, either
Ilana Shafer
Cut ‘n Paste
“Do you know any big rabbis through your charity who could give me a brachah?”
Jordan Odinsky
Cut ‘n Paste
Although Dad was not speaking much anymore, the song came out clear and audible, every word of Haneiros hallalu
Chaya Dunner
Global View
Donald Trump is erratic, but Biden scares me more
Gershon Burstyn
Global View
Russiagate was a hoax — time to look at Obamagate
Gershon Burstyn
Counter Point
Our Succos supplement Yiddishe Gelt, about the price of frum life today, drew significant and spirited feedback. Here is a sampling
Mishpacha Readers
Counter Point
"The discrepancy between the rebbeim and teachers’ gifts is definitely not warranted"
Mishpacha Readers
I'm Stuck
“I’m so torn between my ideals of what marriage and chinuch should be and my practical reality on the ground”
Faigy Peritzman
I'm Stuck
“Teenagers are shrewd observers, and they can’t be fooled. It doesn’t matter what you say. What you do matters. Who you are matters”
Faigy Peritzman
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Jr. Feature

Zivia Beer is a popular jewelry designer from Bnei Brak, who helps her clients create the custom jewelry of their dreams

By Sivi Sekula

Jr. Feature

Let’s take a deep dive into the Three Gorges Dam

By Sivi Sekula

Jr. Feature

Trees and other plants communicate more than you think!

By Tzivia MacLeod

Jr. Feature

The wheat we eat is in danger — and scientists in Israel are among many around the world working to find solutions

By Tzivia MacLeod

Jr. Feature

Why haven’t we ever heard of Irish pirates? And what happened to them?

By Malka Winner

Jr. Feature

NASA believes it’s time to revisit the moon

By Sivi Sekula