Latest I'll Sing to Hashem
I'll Sing to Hashem
Riki Goldstein
I'll Sing to Hashem
Riki Goldstein
I'll Sing to Hashem
Riki Goldstein
I'll Sing to Hashem
Riki Goldstein
I'll Sing to Hashem
Riki Goldstein
I'm Stuck
“I’m so torn between my ideals of what marriage and chinuch should be and my practical reality on the ground”
Faigy Peritzman
I'm Stuck
“Teenagers are shrewd observers, and they can’t be fooled. It doesn’t matter what you say. What you do matters. Who you are matters”
Faigy Peritzman
Business Casual
Often it’s the risk takers who see the greatest success
Sarah Massry
Business Casual
“You had the big meeting. How do you follow up on that deal or prospective client?”
Sarah Massry
Minhag Match-up
"I think this song brings out the meaning of the words more than any other song I’ve heard. It’s a masterpiece"   My mother would sing “HAMALACH” (Tenth Anniversay Celebration) every night when she put me to bed, and I sing it with my boys at bedtime too. Another favorite is “AL NAHAROS BAVEL” (Borchi
Chanie Apfelbaum
Minhag Match-up
"I think this song brings out the meaning of the words more than any other song I’ve heard. It’s a masterpiece"   My mother would sing “HAMALACH” (Tenth Anniversay Celebration) every night when she put me to bed, and I sing it with my boys at bedtime too. Another favorite is “AL NAHAROS BAVEL” (Borchi
Chavi Feldman
What I Reaped
On Succos, we gather our crops, reflect on our harvest. In life, we gather our experiences, appreciate what we’ve gained
Rivki Silver
What I Reaped
On Succos, we gather our crops, reflect on our harvest. In life, we gather our experiences, appreciate what we’ve gained
Chana Marcus
"I think this song brings out the meaning of the words more than any other song I’ve heard. It’s a masterpiece"   My mother would sing “HAMALACH” (Tenth Anniversay Celebration) every night when she put me to bed, and I sing it with my boys at bedtime too. Another favorite is “AL NAHAROS BAVEL” (Borchi
Bassi Gruen
"I think this song brings out the meaning of the words more than any other song I’ve heard. It’s a masterpiece"   My mother would sing “HAMALACH” (Tenth Anniversay Celebration) every night when she put me to bed, and I sing it with my boys at bedtime too. Another favorite is “AL NAHAROS BAVEL” (Borchi
Faigy Peritzman
More I'll Sing to Hashem
I'll Sing to Hashem

“The high-pitched voices and choreography were truly mesmerizing”

By Riki Goldstein

I'll Sing to Hashem

“On Shabbos, my father sings Zeidy’s tunes to the words of the zemiros”

By Riki Goldstein

I'll Sing to Hashem

“I first learned that in the Scottish Highlands at a school camp”

By Riki Goldstein

I'll Sing to Hashem

“There are only two standing ovations in the entire history of HASC, and one of them was for Yigal”

By Riki Goldstein

I'll Sing to Hashem

“I think he never left a wedding without approaching the band to compliment the music and my singing”

By Riki Goldstein

I'll Sing to Hashem

“Yigal was always a tremendously gifted composer. The songs he created were not just ‘noisy music’ but real songs”

By Riki Goldstein