Teen Feature
Life can be tough on so many fronts — school, friends, family. And that’s when there’s a choice: to give in to the difficulties, or to choose to rise above them — and see just how ...

By C.B. Wahler

Movin on Up
My mother’s main concern is shidduchim. She is way more typical than I am, always doing what she’s supposed to be doing, and would never think of opening her own business

By Shaina Keren

Once my classmates understood what was going on, they were totally cool with it. Why wouldn’t they be?

By Leah Greenburg

Story Supplement
Five stories of Providence and Protection

By Teen Contributors

Teen Fiction
It’s hard to believe that I’m actually part of the inner circle, an active part of the discussions, a dynamic contributor, if I may say so myself

By Roizy Baum

Out of Step
Mommy appears. “Come in, come in quickly,” she whispers, flapping her hand. We scurry in, confused by the cloak-and-dagger attitude

By Ariella Schiller

A new standard with which to measure our deeds: the standard of eternity

By Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky

Double Dance
Rikki couldn’t answer. How could she? She had just found out that a huge chunk of her life was a lie

By Bracha Rosman

Shul with a View
“I haven’t danced since 1938, why should today be different?”

By Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman

Linked Supplement
By the time I had matured enough to pose the right questions, dementia had decayed his towering intellect and muted his deep, rich voice

By Mrs. Elana Moskowitz

Linked Supplement
They’ve forged their paths and molded a chain that connects them to children and grandchildren who keep paying it forward. As bearers of family legacies who illuminate the journey ...

By Mishpacha Contributors

News In Depth
Three Orthodox legislators weigh in on their political balancing acts

By Binyamin Rose