The Rainbow Girl
She could handle fudge sundaes, but having a conversation here would be super-awkward. What if one of her friends turned up? What if Etty came in?

By Rochel (Grunewald) Samet

Teen Feature
According to many teens who love volunteering, once you’re in, you’re attached

By Ruchy Padwa

Movin on Up
Well, I think we have a deal! Real college, real business, real me

By Shaina Keren

If they get scared or if someone bothers them, they can’t yell out or complain or say what they want. But enough about what they can’t do

By Leah Greenburg

Would you rather be part of a large chevreh or have one special best friend? Many teens have asked themselves this question

By Devora Zheutlin, MA, CAS

Teen Fiction
I felt like most of my energy was being sapped by Nechami and wondered if it was fair to the rest of the girls

By Malky Cope

Close Call
It was nice being around my old friend. It was comfortable and familiar. And most of all, normal

By Devoiry Braunstein

They’re going to solve the shidduch crisis with a spinner?

By Bracha Stein

The Rose Report
Five years later, we see the same old Avigdor Lieberman — an ambitious and shrewd politician whose inconsistent ideology will always be subordinated to brazen opportunism

By Binyamin Rose

Rabbi Ilan Feldman remembers Rav Shmuel Yaakov Weinberg

By Rabbi Ilan Feldman

Combining the best of both publications

By Shoshana Friedman

Voice in the Crowd
Imagine — me being feted at the yeshivah dinner

By Yisroel Besser

Off the Couch
"Your persona is so big it squashes everyone around you"

By Jacob L. Freedman MD