The unspoken question practically shouts out loud: Is there another way?

By Yael Schuster

“People have to learn to live within their means, I see people spend thousands and thousands of dollars. But the chasunah is only for seven or eight hours. And then what?”

By Yochonon Donn

Wedding standards are rising. Today, many families are opting for packages that won’t wipe them out

By C.S. Teitelbaum

Planning a chasunah should be done with a sense of gratitude, not a sense of entitlement.

By Mishpacha Contributors

If you really want your simchah to stand out, make it personal: let it reflect your gratitude to Hashem and joy in the occasion.

By Yisroel Besser

Personal Accounts
In a special collection of memories, vacationers share their privileged glimpses of Torah giants in the relaxed summer settings of the mountains and seaside

By Mishpacha Contributors

Is there a better way?

By Yisroel Besser

A Few Minutes With
“Making Israel a partisan issue is a mistake.” House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer on why the Squad don’t represent most Democrats

By Omri Nahmias

Naomi sighed. This was ridiculous. She’d been married for 16 years. Why was she still worrying about what her sisters-in-law thought about her?

By Michal Marcus

With music on again for the final leg of summer, we asked several prominent readers and music professionals for a song that conjures up memories of summers long past

By Riki Goldstein

Family Reflections
It can be sink or swim in the sea of love

By Sarah Chana Radcliffe

F is for Friendship
“But, but….” I sounded like the sputtering last cup of soda in a slush machine. “That doesn’t make any sense,” I finally said

By Ruchama Schnaidman

The Rainbow Girl
Rachelli sat down, too, a little sigh of relief escaping. She and Etty were good again; she needed that

By Rochel (Grunewald) Samet

Inside Israel
Iraq is latest front in Iran shadow war

By Eliezer Shulman