Reb Berisch Weiss relives the harrowing days in a bunker with his father, the Minchas Yitzchak

By Riki Goldstein

Rav Shlomo Kanievsky brings the family legacy to a new generation

By Yisroel Besser

After losing their son to cancer, Chaim and Miri Ehrental have spent the last three decades making sure no other parent faces the challenge alone

By Esther Teichtal

Magazine Feature
Neo-Nazi ideology is thriving in the tiny German village of Jamel. So seeing us — two obviously Jewish fellows — poking around town was quite a sight… especially when the police s ...

By David Damen

Personal Accounts
They said you’d never be able to pull it off, that you were the wrong person for the job, that it would never work, that you were sure to fail. But sometimes, life’s greatest less ...

By Mishpacha Contributors

Personal Accounts
Meticulous attention to detail, a cool head, and high tolerance for long, uncomfortable journeys are all requirements for Rabbi Danny Moore’s work as a globe-trotting kashrus supe ...

By Riki Goldstein

Inside Israel
When Avigdor Lieberman decided to scapegoat the chareidi public

By Eliezer Shulman

A Few Minutes With
Has Binyamin Netanyahu pulled the last rabbit out of his hat, or is he on the verge of staging his greatest escape yet? Dr. Gayil Talshir, head of the President’s Program for Acad ...

By Binyamin Rose

Family First Feature
Tradition tells us that Dovid Hamelech passed away on Shavuos. What better time, then, to explore some of the minhagim that have developed throughout the ages regarding the precio ...

By Libi Astaire

All I Ask
Bugi knew that as a homeless person he had no rights… but not to take a poor, deathly ill man to the hospital when he desperately needed medical care?  How cruel could people be?

By Ruti Kepler

Family First Feature
The more words we use, the less people will remember them, but if we prioritize the important stuff and leave out the extras, your listener — be it your child, your cleaning lady, ...

By Shifra Elkaim

Text Messages
"I’ve given you something that’s tov; don’t let go of it”

By Eytan Kobre

Family Matters
Writing is a way to feel some small sense of control over our lives in those circumstances. When I wrote in my journal, worked on a memoir, and then published my novel, Griefwriti ...

By Joan Zlotnick

Shul of My Youth
That old man who waited decades for that noise

By Rabbi Benyamin Goldschmidt