Family First Feature
Once, there were no custom sheitels, kosher cookbooks, and seminaries. These pioneers changed that

By Elisheva Appel

A Promise Kept
Sometime during that awful era, I began fiddling around on the piano

By Shoshana Itzkowitz

A Promise Kept
Ayala, I try reasoning with myself. You have two options. You can either get to work making phone calls or you can cry

By Ayala Feigenbaum

A Promise Kept
I can feel the strain through the thread. I am over effusive; she is cordial. Don’t touch me

By Shana Reicher

A Promise Kept
Baba’s loving sentiments that the all-but-forgotten promise conveyed were dear to my heart

By Avigail Rabinowitz

A Promise Kept
“What do you think?” Reb Laizor thundered. “Without mussar I would be like that too!”

By Miriam Milstein

A Promise Kept
We’d created a haven for them to unburden their hearts, and sent them away with the sweetness of home cooking

By Millie Samson

A Promise Kept
Not all promises are lost. One remains. It’s the one I made long ago

By Yocheved Katz

Magazine Feature
What exactly happened to the grapes and wines described in Tanach, Mishnah, and Gemara? The quest to decant new wines from ancient grapes

By Gershon Burstyn

Jr. Feature
Destination: the USSR – the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, also known as “Russia”

By Malka Grunhaus

Five top international badchanim, who share their experiences and perspectives from the very heart of the Jewish wedding

By Riki Goldstein

Movin on Up
Chaya rethinks her assessment of what an ideal workplace looks like

By Leah Greenburg

Editor's Letter
What is that elusive value, principle, legacy you hope to transmit?

By Shoshana Friedman

A Gift Passed Along
“You, my friend, should be walking around with a camera all day”

By Nachman Hellman