Family First Feature
On January 1, thousands of Jewish men will dance in joyous celebration of the completion of Talmud Bavli. But they couldn’t have done it without the equal devotion of their wives

By Sandy Eller

Personal Accounts
Twelve writers share the messages they mined from months gone by

By Family First Contributors

Family First Feature
Four experts share their perspective on common parenting scenarios, and let us know when we have to act and when the best action is inaction

By Elisheva Appel

Family First Feature
She was fascinated by bees and dreamed of owning her own hive. Could that dream possibly come true in middle of the city? One family’s beekeeping adventures

By Naomi Elbinger

Family Matters
At a particular stage of my husband’s illness, it became clear that the shul we were attending no longer met our needs

By Joan Zlotnick

Family Tempo
I found them in the ER. The baby was flailing in my husband’s arms, an oxygen mask over his tiny face

By Shaina King

Can I, too, be created anew? Perhaps I can tap into the power of the day and become a new creation, sans impatience

By Elana Rothberg

I stand there with my years’ worth of baggage. Praying for another year

By Rivka Streicher

Story Time
All the Jewish communities were living in utter terror because of this one, atrocious sorcerer. Something had to be done, but who could fight this powerful enemy?

By Y. Bromberg

Voice in the Crowd
So as you do the math in your shul and make the same mental kabbalah as last year — to find out what nezirus Shimshon actually means before next Rosh Hashanah — here’s a story for ...

By Yisroel Besser

Out of Step
I need to rush home, do homework, go out for Chinese with Goldie, a long-standing Monday night tradition, and — sigh — apologize to Ma about not listening to her explain what happ ...

By Ariella Schiller

Shul with a View
Why Hashem had me come to Crown Heights today and precisely at this hour

By Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman

Fifteen minutes left of 5777. This quarter of an hour has been planned, written in parchment, last Rosh Hashanah

By Aliza Seidman

FamilyTable Feature
We attach significance to the foods we eat throughout the year, and especially on Rosh Hashanah, through the simanim. But the pomegranate is actually a jewel in our kitchens 365 d ...

By Family Table Contributors