Job Search
Architects design all types of buildings, and are charged with a building’s appearance, safety, and functionality

By Gila Arnold

Business Casual
What are your tips for managing employees and keeping them happy and fulfilled?

By Musia Slavin

The Moment
The bochurim who showed him that, even under difficult circumstances, Torah learning must go on

By Mishpacha Staff


By Nisha Vora

Shul with a View
Lonesome and convinced he had the status of a pariah, Michoel remained alone

By Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman

Man With a Pan

By Sammy Ben David

Everyone can relate to a powerful song of inspiration at a kumzitz or during tefillah, but it’s often fleeting unless it’s put into something tachlis

By Riki Goldstein

Text Messages
If this survey includes people who aren’t actually Jewish, it also excludes people who are

By Eytan Kobre