Latest Teen Feature
Teen Feature
Bashie Lisker
Teen Feature
Bashie Lisker
Teen Feature
Rivki Silver
Teen Feature
Molly Hollander
Teen Feature
Rachel Stein
Connect Four
The holier a specific time is, the more desperately the opposing forces will seek to attack it
Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
Connect Four
As Lag B’omer approaches, we ready ourselves for its celebration. But what, precisely, are we celebrating?
Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
"Is there a peirush on Chumash you consider indispensable when learning the weekly parshah?"
Mishpacha Staff
As a teenager, I found myself going back and referencing it again and again
Mishpacha Staff
A Few Minutes With
Shurat HaDin warns IDF soldiers they could be arrested abroad 
Yaacov Lipszyc
A Few Minutes With
Canada’s Conservatives are poised to take power as Justin Trudeau’s career tails off
Y. Davis
School Daze
There are a lot of other ways to be successful than being academic. You are so much more than the grades you get!
Perel Stone
School Daze
Who would guess that the girl who was making every teacher miserable had such talent!
Perel Stone
My Corona Time Capsule
Endless days blurred into months of upheaval. We strove to forge forward. Twenty-one readers reveal the single object that defined the tenor of these times
Family First Contributors
More Teen Feature
Teen Feature

Join us as we meet teens from around the world who share the courageous steps they took on their personal journeys of spiritual growth

By Elky Pascal

Teen Feature

Meet Bracha and Rachelli Rosenthal, the unstoppable sisters behind Yummy Blessings and Yummy Blessings 2.0

By Ariella Schiller

Teen Feature

What happened to my friend? Why is she acting like this? And why is her behavior impacting me so much?

By Chaya Kelerman

Teen Feature

Rivka Shotkin shares the choices she’s made to build a beautiful life — not in spite of her challenges, but because of them

By Sarah Massry

Teen Feature

The story of Achoseinu

By Rachel Stein

Teen Feature

Being lost is a scary experience, but feeling lost and lonely in a crowd is so much scarier

By Sarah Massry