Latest Teen Feature
Teen Feature
Chaya Rosen
Teen Feature
Miriam Rosen
Teen Feature
Sarah Massry
Teen Feature
Sarah Massry
Teen Feature
Sarah Massry
True Account
I knew right then that if I was saved, I would do complete teshuvah
Chananel Shapiro
True Account
I was a Jew, I knew that, but I’d also copped out on my people, my team. As a Jew, did I have the heart of a field mouse?
Cindy Scarr
Pantry Makes Perfect
Something not too complex, yet flavorful enough to be special
Faigy Grossmann
Pantry Makes Perfect
This fish dish takes just a few minutes to prepare — definitely appreciated when preparing so many Yom Tov dishes
Faigy Grossmann
The Gatekeeper's Daughter
Vasara sucks in her breath. She swivels in her office chair and closes her eyes. Her trip to Riga belongs to another era, relegated to a dusty corner of her brain, the door shut firmly after it
Esther Teichtal
The Gatekeeper's Daughter
She might always be that weird girl who has fallen from a distant star who doesn’t know half of the endless rules
Esther Teichtal
A Stone’s Throw
“Something happened today and I need your advice. Would I be able to come over to your house and show you something?”
Faigy Gold
A Stone’s Throw
As I passed, I nodded hello and even ventured a “Chodesh tov.” He looked at me, and suddenly held up his hand. The whole line stopped
Faigy Gold
Open Mic
It is time to ponder whether or not it should be considered a luxury
B. Cohen
Open Mic
This is a cry from the heart, on behalf of so many aveilim who have shared similar experiences
A Pained Mourner
More Teen Feature
Teen Feature

Leora is the owner of JClay. Rumor has it that she was just a teen when she got started

By Chaya Rosen

Teen Feature

Bais Yaakov D’Rav Meir of Brooklyn and their one-of-a-kind project — Daven 4 Me

By Miriam Rosen

Teen Feature

High school lessons and real life

By Sara Massry

Teen Feature

A sister to hold your hand is exactly what Bnos One on One had in mind for every girl in junior high school

By Shira Gold

Teen Feature

Some special teens take the message of Succos to heart by going out into the world of kiruv

By Rochel Samet

Teen Feature

An introvert has a harder time putting themselves “out there’ and often feels like an “outsider” in social situations

By Beth Firestone