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Riki Goldstein
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Dr. David Pelcovitz
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Rabbi Yonah Weinrib
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Rabbi Shraga Simmons
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Maury Litwack
Seven Spheres
Clear out your ego and make room for His Kingship
Mrs. Shani Mendlowitz
Seven Spheres
To be personable, you need to develop your personality
Mrs. Shani Mendlowitz
Calligraphy: Pesach 5784
I was the stereotypical newlywed, setting up my best friend with my husband’s kid brother
Esty Heller
Calligraphy: Pesach 5784
Ninth-grade bochurim would huddle in a corner, daring each other to make the plunge and ask Mordy a question
Shmuel Botnick
Family Matters
He always thought of everything, so I didn’t have to. Now it was my job, and it was daunting
Joan Zlotnick
Family Matters
At a particular stage of my husband’s illness, it became clear that the shul we were attending no longer met our needs
Joan Zlotnick
Jr.s Unite to Fight Coronavirus
Send us your experiences, kabbalos, and activity ideas during the coronavirus lockdown, and watch this space!
Jr. Readers
Jr.s Unite to Fight Coronavirus
Send us your experiences, kabbalos, quips, and activity ideas during the coronavirus lockdown, and watch this space!
Jr. Contributors
Table Talk
Today, both parents and educators pursue special services. But costs can be astronomical, and the process confusing and frustrating. That’s where Leah Steinberg comes in.
Malky Lowinger
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Today they’re household names, but it started with a leap of faith: “The mashgiach thought he was going to a factory, but there was the popper, on the kitchen table in our small apartment”

By Ephraim Schwinder

Step 1

 Today they’re household names, but it started with a leap of faith: “I do enjoy Jewish music, but really my love is for radio. There’s such a connection between host and listener”   

By Nachum Segal

Step 1

 Today they’re household names, but it started with a leap of faith: “One by one, the shluchim rose and introduced themselves by name and location. This eventually evolved into the eagerly anticipated roll call at the banquet”

By Rabbi Lipa Brennan

Step 1

Today they’re household names, but it started with a leap of faith: “These guys had so much energy and kavanah, so much warmth and spontaneity”

By Avraham Rosenblum

Step 1

Today they’re household names, but it started with a leap of faith: “I saw my chance and the Hashgachah. I reached out and asked if I could design the entire building

By Susan Strauss

Step 1

 Today they’re household names, but it started with a leap of faith: “I’d go over to one or two guys a night, introduce myself, and just say, ‘Hi, I’m a shadchan, can I help you?’ ”

By Rabbi Meir Levi