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Esther Kurtz
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Esther Kurtz
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Esther Kurtz
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Esther Kurtz
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Esther Kurtz
Your Money and Your Life
“I’m not going to be a good fit for every potential client, and not every potential client will be a good fit for me”
R.C. Steif
Jewish Geography
Yoram Ettinger: Conflict manageable, not solvable,The Pitfalls of Peace,Yoram Ettinger: Conflict manageable, not solvable
Binyamin Rose
Life Lab
Decision making is exhausting. What if I get other people to make them for me?
Esther Kurtz
Life Lab
Could I adopt my husband’s habits for a week — and survive?
Esther Kurtz
Shared Space
As the serial draws to a close, we reached out to voices of authority within the community to discuss some of the underlying threads of Shared Space. This week, Rabbi Avrohom Neuberger weighs in on the issue of hard moneylending
Dov Haller
Shared Space
Sometimes, the greatest gift parents can give their married children is the freedom to fail
Dr Meir Wikler
Mendelsohn's Pizza celebrates half a century of savory success
Yochonon Donn
The man who would become world-famous for dressing presidents and power players sewed his first stitch in the laundry rooms of Auschwitz. Today, his 27 secret measurements have garnered him a roster of grateful clients. But despite rubbing shoulders with rulers and crafting custom suits for VIPs, Martin Greenfield can’t forget where he came from.
Baila Rosenblum
Free Fall
Freefall took me 12 months — and 25 years — to write. Now that it’s over, while other old and new responsibilities bang at my door, I’ll ignore the knocking for a bit and share a short retrospective on life during Freefall
Miriam Stark Zakon
Free Fall
The colonel’s lips were a straight, unsmiling line. “Not German, Freed. They need someone who speaks Yiddish”,
Miriam Stark Zakon
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What did I have that could pass for a costume, that was easily removable, and wasn’t mortifying in the first place?

By Esther Kurtz

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“What are your Purim plans?” Mommy was finally taking initiative in this conversation, but of course she had to bring up something I don’t want to talk about. Not with her, at least

By Esther Kurtz

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I dialed Ari, but I was too late, I knew, and I felt a pit in my stomach. I should’ve at least told him I was hiring Linda before I did it

By Esther Kurtz

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“First things first,” Ari said, reaching for a bag I’d just noticed. He pulled out a flattish square orange box printed with a bold H. No. He didn’t really buy me a Hermes scarf

By Esther Kurtz

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It was one o’clock now, I hadn’t cleaned up from Shabbos at all, I was just sitting on the bathroom floor — not crying, just alone

By Esther Kurtz

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I’d responded in the 24-hour window, but it had been too late, and without me they did everything wrong: got defensive, denied any wrongdoing, threatened to sue

By Esther Kurtz