Latest Make Her Day
Make Her Day
Ariella Schiller and Y.C. Katz
Make Her Day
Ariella Schiller
Make Her Day
Ariella Schiller
Make Her Day
Ariella Schiller
Make Her Day
Ariella Schiller
Israel Election Special
Eight reflections in the aftermath of the third elections
Yossi Elituv
Israel Election Special
So, who won? Depends who you ask
Yisrael Yoskovitz
Time travel isn’t possible. Or is it? What about mental time travel?
Marcia Stark Meth / Emmy Leah Stark Zitter / Miriam Stark Zakon
We move out of our comfort zone, bemoan no-parking zones, and drive in a family no-fly zone
Marcia Stark Meth / Emmy Leah Stark Zitter / Miriam Stark Zakon
I of the Storm
I pinched myself. Could it be that the entire Shafer crew is cooperating, smiling — and genuinely happy? Could it be that our family portrait is not a complete farce?
Ilana Shafer
I of the Storm
So I’m not a tzadeikes, I shot back to my ever-present faultfinder. I haven’t got bottomless reservoirs of patience. But I’m not so bad, either
Ilana Shafer
“We’re Jews, and we have a Jewish heart, which means that our enemies can extort a terrible price from us”
Gedalia Guttentag
Sometime in the last few years, we passed peak atheism and the shine went off godlessness in the modern world
Gedalia Guttentag
As Mimi’s world came to life, I began to wonder… is normal simply a myth that we’ve created?
Rochel Samet
Mimi feels a twinge of — what is it? Pity? Protectiveness? Caring? — for her sister
Rochel Samet
More Make Her Day
Make Her Day

We gave them $100. They made someone’s day. 9 stories

By Ariella Schiller

Make Her Day

We gave them $100. They made someone’s day. 9 stories

By Ariella Schiller

Make Her Day

We gave them $100. They made someone’s day. 9 stories

By Ariella Schiller

Make Her Day

We gave them $100. They made someone’s day. 9 stories

By Ariella Schiller

Make Her Day

We asked:
Do you know someone whose life needs brightening?
We gave you $100. And you made her day