Latest Jolly Solly
Jolly Solly
R. Atkins
Jolly Solly
R. Atkins
Jolly Solly
R. Atkins
Jolly Solly
R. Atkins
Jolly Solly
R. Atkins
Press Pass
“There is an urge to tweet or post on Facebook every small thought, every unverified development. It’s good entertainment, but it’s not good journalism”
Omri Nahmias
War Diaries
Then Motzaei Shabbos comes. The Internet tells me a hundred explosive-laden drones are already on their way to Israel. Even my husband is a little nervous.
Raizy Jotkowitz
War Diaries
I couldn’t stand in the way of him doing what he felt he needed to do
Elana Moskowitz
A Better You
People who are neurodivergent have often learned from a very young age to hide themselves. But their relentless efforts to act and behave neurotypically can come at a heavy cost.
Family First Contributors
A Better You
About five percent of amoxicillin rashes are true allergies
Family First Contributors
Hindsight Is 2020
“Forget about borrowing money. Instead, let’s lend out money. We’ll be the ones charging people sky-high interest rates!" Fishel and Faivish usually had zero interest in the mail. It was always boring stuff like bills and bank statements. But the letter that arrived one Wednesday was different. The envelope showed a businessman carrying a fancy
Chanie Nayman and Michal Frischman
Hindsight Is 2020
This dual focus — on Torah growth, and maintaining Jews’ last Jewish connection — is one that kiruv organizations should embrace
Gedalia Guttentag
No Food Left Behind
If you want to experiment with an intense flavor shakeup and impress both your guests and your palate, this recipe is for you!
Beth Warren
No Food Left Behind
Let’s not discount the sides to balance your macros out!
Beth Warren
More Jolly Solly
Jolly Solly

“Waiter!” Mr. Krankowitz barked. “Bring me fish and chips. Lots of it!”

By R. Atkins

Jolly Solly

Eli wasn’t at all pleased with the situation. However, he could not get Tuki and Manny to make peace

By R. Atkins

Jolly Solly

The mayor was a very important person. But how could he compete with Jolly Solly’s tricks?

By R. Atkins

Jolly Solly

“Now I need to find the thieves,” said Jolly Solly. He looked quite unlike his usual jolly self

By R. Atkins

Jolly Solly

The airport in Peru was on strike. No flights were taking off or landing. Mr. Faigelbaum might not make it home in time for Yom Kippur!

By R. Atkins

Jolly Solly

Mrs. Sprockett scowled. She really had no time for annoying young boys. On the other hand, Faivish seemed really upset

By R. Atkins