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#In A Word
Mishpacha Contributors
#In A Word
Mishpacha Contributors
#In A Word
Mishpacha Contributors
#In A Word
Mishpacha Contributors
#In A Word
Mishpacha Contributors
Family Farce: Purim 5783
If you’re a guy and you have a wife, you already know most of what I’m going to tell you
Esty Heller
Family Farce: Purim 5783
Not everything my mother writes about Yitzi means that I actually did it
Yitzi Peritzman
Pearls of Wisdom   
Straddling two worlds, we need tools for two realities 
Family First Contributors
Pearls of Wisdom   
Shlomo Hamelech compares an eishes chayil to one thing — a merchant’s ship
Family First Contributors
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Somehow, between labor and delivery, I’d learned that Nava is extremely left-wing secular. Now I commented, “Whoa, it must be really hard to work here in a snowstorm”
Leah Greene
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I checked the time. By now, my husband should have taken off. I dialed his number anyway. Of course, his phone was off
Leah Greene
Boiling soup, chopping vegetables, using the microwave... halachos of household help 
Rabbi Doniel Neustadt
“In most cases, the contractor is the one responsible for anything that goes wrong with the home as long as it is under warranty”
Rabbi Doniel Neustadt
What I’m Holding On To
“Just toss it!” is the rallying cry of these weeks. But some items we simply can’t bring ourselves to discard. 9 writers share
Faigy Peritzman
What I’m Holding On To
“Just toss it!” is the rallying cry of these weeks. But some items we simply can’t bring ourselves to discard. 9 writers share
Cindy Scarr
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#In A Word

On that snowy night, I made my way from Flatbush to Boro Park on foot, looking for that scene holding a story. On 14th Avenue, at around 8 p.m., I found it

By Mishpacha Contributors

#In A Word

These two witnesses to history sat silently, hearing an enduring cry, a timeless call, to an Eternal G-d

By Mishpacha Contributors