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Yisroel Besser
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Menachem Pines
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Eytan Kobre
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Rachel Ginsberg
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Sivi Sekula
Deep Dive
A real Jewish leader allows everyone to feel accepted and welcomed.
Tamar Skydell 
Deep Dive
From beer to Barclays, Azriel Chelst is strategizing behind the scenes and netting partnerships with a Torah mindset
Mimi Minsky
I'm Stuck
“I’m so torn between my ideals of what marriage and chinuch should be and my practical reality on the ground”
Faigy Peritzman
I'm Stuck
“Teenagers are shrewd observers, and they can’t be fooled. It doesn’t matter what you say. What you do matters. Who you are matters”
Faigy Peritzman
I felt that this was my one opportunity to introduce them to a bit of Judaism
Esther Mandel
If he could talk to us now, what would he say?
Rochel Burstyn
Build your best
These cities were built to mislead and deceive Photos: Gregor Sailer There are dozens of sites around the world whose entire purpose is to appear as something they are not. These places were created with the intent to hide inconvenient truths, duplicate a distant reality, or deliberately mislead observers. Photographer Gregor Sailer has made it
Sarah Faygie Berkowitz
Build your best
Read these tips, and prepare to up your cutlet game.
Sarah Faygie Berkowitz
On 11 Kislev we lost a beautiful child — and the promise for so much greatness
Yisrael Hershkowitz
In tribute to Rav Asher Deutsch ztz”l
Yair Stern
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 It took a detour through the jungle to bring Asher Fraifeld back home

By Shmuel Friedman

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Oligarch at risk: Roman Abramovich’s slide from power player to poisoning target

By Tzippy Yarom

Magazine Feature

School executive Rabbi Yanky Robinson steers through Lakewood’s driver shortage

By Yosef Herz

Magazine Feature

With their chometz safely sold, the folks at Buffalo Trace distillery in Frankfort, Kentucky, gear up to uncork the results

By Yosef Zoimen

Magazine Feature

Before London, Rav Chanoch Dov Padwa ztz”l spent 15 little-known years in Eretz Yisrael

By Riki Goldstein

Magazine Feature

While many families in this “club” cringe from exposure, Rav Shimon Schneebalg has put his own shame and discomfort on hold, and gone public

By Aryeh Ehrlich