Four decades later, those classics have stuck Rabbi Label Sharfman is the founder and dean of Bnot Torah Institute, better known as “Sharfman’s” in Jerusalem, and Abie Rotenberg is — well, he’s Abie Rotenberg. But back in the 1970s, they were chavrusas in the beis medrash of Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim in Forest Hills. Label Sharfman
The popular song “Kiddush,” recorded by Sruli Lipshitz this past summer, has that slow, reflective tune and classic words that make it seem like a niggun from decades ago. The words “Lomir machen Kiddush oif der gantzer velt” are a pronouncement of our intent to sanctify the entire world on Shabbos — almost like Kiddush itself. Composer Avrohom
With Motty Steinmetz’s debut album Haneshama Bekirbi flying off the shelves among the heartwarming songs his fans are enjoying is a long Yiddish ballad entitled “Brivele” which brings home the power of reciting Tehillim. The composer badchan Motti Ilowitz explains his parable: “A king has a beloved servant a writer who writes him eloquent letters