The Best: Music Collection
A new hit composition by Yisrael Meir Friedberg, featured on 'The Best' Music album in the Hebrew Mishpacha Succos Edition
The Best: Music Collection
A moving melody with powerful words, composed and sung by Noach Paley, featured on 'The Best' Music album in the Hebrew Mishpacha Succos Edition
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Covid, in addition to causing immense loss of life, disrupted the world’s supply chain of products and services
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It took two years of intense work to bring WINGS to life   Name: Esther Rubinfeld Location: Lakewood, NJ Dream: Create opportunities for women to tap into their inner greatness I grew up in Boro Park in the house of what the newspapers like to call “a noted askan” but without any of the hype.  My
Chef Suzie Gornish
It took two years of intense work to bring WINGS to life   Name: Esther Rubinfeld Location: Lakewood, NJ Dream: Create opportunities for women to tap into their inner greatness I grew up in Boro Park in the house of what the newspapers like to call “a noted askan” but without any of the hype.  My
Chef Suzie Gornish
10 Questions
Aharon Mezei is the owner of Passaic's Safer Escape, which resells the Modum Fire Escape Ladder
Rachel Bachrach
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Dovid Fine is the founder and CEO of Recharge: Vacation Relief Fund in Toronto, Canada
Rachel Bachrach
Made in Heaven
Some of the myths, misconceptions, and mistaken beliefs that often accompany even stable marriages
Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier
Made in Heaven
If you focus on what your husband is doing for you, you’ll find your resentment lessening rather quickly
Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier
More Dreamscapes

My specialty turned out to be aggressive teenage boys

By Elisheva Appel


But when I looked into the backyard I saw a vision of green pastures filled with children playing with animals. That was the beginning of Sweet Dream Farm

By Elisheva Appel


Teaching led me to marketing, which led to hypnosis. What’s next?

By Elisheva Appel


All the details were still question marks, but I woke up the next morning with a jolt — hey, I have a business!

By Elisheva Appel


Her Yiddish-speaking band hits all the right notes

By Elisheva Appel


As told to Elisheva Appel Name: Chani Schwartz Dream: Destigmatize mental health issues Location: Stamford Hill, London, UK O n the outside, my childhood seemed idyllic. My parents are distinguished members of our chassidic community, and as the oldest girl in a large family, I was capable, geshikt, and helpful. Beneath the surface, though, I hid

By Elisheva Appel