| FamilyTable Feature |

Which of your own recipes that you’ve submitted to the magazine do you make the most often?

The white chocolate ganache dessert from Purim. But I use dark chocolate and a different liqueur each time. Also, my taco salad is something that everyone in my family will actually eat. —Chaia Frishman

Definitely my roasted pepper jam... I’ve made it pretty much every Shabbos for the last five years or so, and it never gets boring. —Michal Frischman

Pomegranate ice cream! Also the brined grilled chicken with spicy coffee rub and one-pot chicken and rice. And going back all the way to 2010 — coconut tilapia. —Chavi Feldman

It would have to be Babka Like Never Before! Recently I added a chocolate glaze to it and also made a cinnamon filling with a white glaze. It’s a bestseller on my business menu as well. —Brynie Greisman

The one-pot spaghetti and meat sauce. One of the easiest dinners and everyone actually eats it! —Danielle Renov

This is a hard question! Maybe my chocolate chip cookies with oil instead of margarine. And my Red Wine Brisket and Pulled Brisket Flatbread. Kids love it. —Estee Kafra

(Originally featured in Family Table, Issue 705)


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