
Guestlines Wednesday August 24, 2016

The Hidden World of Shidduchim

of shidduchim, has spurred multiple articles on the painful, heartrending topic of older singles

Counter Point Wednesday December 4, 2019

Why Risk Shidduchim?

The Open Mic piece on “Why Risk Shidduchim?” has drawn significant feedback. Here is a sampling

Lifestyle Wednesday July 31, 2019

Up to Date

When it comes to shidduchim, out of town no longer means out of the running

Double Take Wednesday October 14, 2020

Comfort Zone

“Shidduchim, Ma? I just got back... I’m looking into college programs. One thing at a time, no?”

LifeLines Wednesday May 20, 2020

Going after the Ball

Waiting for the perfect kallah was a recipe for disaster

LifeLines Monday May 29, 2017

Out of My Comfort Zone

“I really don’t need all these dates — there’s only one person I need. So please Hashem don’t send me any more shidduchim until it’s the right one.”

Double Take Wednesday January 6, 2021

Double Vision

Our son’s rebbi thought he knew him better than we did

Off the Couch Wednesday November 7, 2018

An Honest Shidduch

“Baruch Hashem I’m cured, and this will be my secret”